The Lassen Rural Bus (LRB) provides service that includes routes for the City of Susanville, West County and the South County Commuter Route, and summer service to Eagle Lake. Please call (530) 252-7433 for more information.
Susanville City Routes
SUSANVILLE CITY ROUTE provides service in the city Monday through Friday from 7:00am to 6:52pm and Saturdays from 8:00am to 3:52pm; please refer to the map below for service locations. (This route includes service to the Susanville Ranch Park and the Honey Lake Valley Community Pool )
Download the City Route Schedule
Please note:
- Passengers can request transfer tickets for other Susanville City "Express" Route. Transfer tickets must be used the same day and are valid for two hours. Transfer tickets can only be used within the city of Susanville and cannot be used on the same route as you boarded.
- The bus stop at the community pool will be served as long as the pool is open.
- The Upper Rancheria, Numa & Cameron and the Susan River Apartments bus stops are now served on an on-demand basis. Passengers who wish to be picked up at one of these three stops should call Lassen Rural Bus at (530) 252 7433 to notify the bus operator about their intent. Passengers who wish to be dropped off at one of these three stops should notify the bus driver when boarding the bus.
SUSANVILLE CITY "EXPRESS" ROUTE provides service in the city Monday through Friday 10:37am to 4:00pm. Please refer to the map below for service locations. Passengers can request transfer tickets for other Susanville City Route. Transfer tickets must be used the same day and are valid for two hours. Transfer tickets can only be used within the city of Susanville and cannot be used on the same route as you boarded.
This route goes the opposite direction than the Susanville CIty Route (From College via Eskaton to Safeway, then from Safeway via Walmart, Alexander/ Riverside, Burger King to Museum and to the Casino via Paiute Ln, ending at the College again).
Please note:
- The Susanville City "Express" Route is a pilot project for new services from October 2020 to June 2021 and will continue into the future.
West County Routes
Starting July 1st the weekday morning schedule will change, please see note on top of page.
WEST COUNTY ROUTE provides service between Susanville and Chester three times a day during the week and twice on Saturday. The route serves the following locations:
- Susanville (Safeway, Lassen College)
- Devil’s Corral
- Lake Forest (On demand)
- Westwood (Business Center)
- Clear Creek (Firestation)
- Hamilton Branch (Fishing Access Point)
- Holiday Market (Chester, Plumas County)
- Service to several locations to access the Bizz Johnson Trail (ask driver)
Download the West County Route Schedule
Download the Saturday West County Route Schedule
Download the Bizz Johnson Trail bus service info
South County Route
SOUTH COUNTY ROUTE provides service between Susanville and Honey Lake Monday through Friday and Federal Holidays. SOUTH COUNTY route serve the following locations:
- Susanville (Riverside Drive, College, Northeastern Rural Health Clinic)
- Susanville Mobile Home Park
- Johnstonville Store
- Leavitt Lake
- Days Inn RV Park
- Litchfield (Heard's Market - On demand on South County Route)
- Standish (Wayside Inn)
- A-3 @ Regina Rd.
- A-3 @ Sears Rd.
- Janesville (Payless Gas Station)
- Milford (US 395 @ Milford Store)
- US 395 @ The Mark
- Herlong (Fort Sage Family Resource Center, Market, Mobile Home Park)
- Doyle (Post Office, Senior Center - South County and holiday route only)
The SOUTH County Route for the Federal Holidays runs on federally observed holidays, Columbus Day and Veteran's Day.
The East County Route was discontinued on July 1, 2021.
Download regular South County Route Schedule
South County Commuter Route
The SOUTH COUNTY COMMUTER ROUTE provides service in Honey Lake region Monday through Friday and serves the following locations:
- Susanville (Casino and Riverside Drive)
- US 395 & SR 36 (Park & Ride)
- Janesville ( Chevron Park & Ride)
- Milford (Milford Store)
- Herlong (Herlong Market, SIAD Gate)
Download the South County Commuter Schedule
Eagle Lake Route
The EAGLE LAKE ROUTE provides service in to the Eagle Lake region on Saturdays, beginning Memorial Day weekend and ending on the final Saturday of September, or upon the closing of Eagle Lake Road, whichever comes first, and serves the following locations:
- Susanville (Wal-Mart, Diamond Mountain Casino, and Main and Gay)
- Lake Forest
- Gallatin Marina/Beach
- Spalding (Eagle Lake Store)
- Bucks Bay
- Mariner’s Resort-Stones
Services is by demand only. You must call by 5pm the Wednesday before your trip on Starurday. For more information please call the LRB Office at (530) 252-7433
Download the Eagle Lake Route Schedule
Bus Passes
BUS PASSES are available for purchase during normal business hours at:
For detailed Route Maps and Guides for the Lassen Rural Bus service are available for download in Acrobat PDF format. You will need a copy of Acrobat Reader to view the files. Get Acrobat Reader.