Lassen County Transportation Commission

The Lassen County Transportation Commission (LCTC) was formed in 1971 with the establishment of the Transportation Development Act, otherwise known as the Mills-Alquist-Deddah Act (SB 325).

The Lassen County Transportation Commission has a new website. Please visit for more information about meetings or projects. 

It is made up of three members of the Lassen County Board of Supervisors and three members of the Susanville City Council. The LCTC is the Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) for Lassen County. The LCTC is responsible for regional transportation planning in Lassen County.

Regional transportation planning activities are funded through the Local Transportation Fund (LTF), the State Transit Assistance Fund (STA), and a variety of grant type funding programs. The activities of the LCTC are defined in the annual Overall Work Program (OWP) and the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) adopted every 4 years.

These guiding documents help establish project priorities as well as short and long term planning goals. The scope of the LCTC activities includes planning for transportation infrastructure projects, community transit services, public transportation, and pedestrian and bicycle facilities. Additionally, many rural counties utilize LTF for local streets and roads construction and maintenance.